Integrate different perspectives,
use digital tools, gain efficiency.


Here you can log in to the digital platform of the INSTITUTE OF BRAND LOGIC.

In order to log in as a project member, you need to complete the registration using the link you received via email.

To the login


Commitment comes from integration. On our platform, we can reach out to an even wider circle of people from the organisation and integrate different perspectives into the process. With our digital tools, we also make the process more efficient. Individual steps in the process can be fully digitalised, taking into account the core challenges and project objectives.

Status Quo

A shared awareness of the status quo of the organisation is the foundation for project success. The integration of the existing views and expertise in the organisation is crucial. With our digital tools, such as the dialogue-oriented survey module, the digital touchpoint checklist or the customer experience mapping tool, we can include the different perspectives in the status quo analysis across different markets or locations.

Future vision

The joint development of a future vision requires dealing with relevant market and sector-specific trends as well as best practice cases. The trend radar is used to assess the relevance of the prevailing mega and macro trends for the organisation. The know-how of industry experts can also be included. Via the innovation compass, we inspire the project members with trends, current topics and innovations. Initial approaches and cornerstones for the future direction of the organisation can be collected remotely on digital pinboards, reflected on together and deepened.


Das Zukunftsbild bildet die Grundlage für sämtliche Entwicklungs- und Umsetzungsprozesse in der Organisation. Die relevanten Fragstellungen zu den verschiedenen Handlungsfeldern können mittels der  Plattform-Tools bearbeitet werden, der Umsetzungsstatus von definierten Aktivitäten und Maßnahmen getrackt sowie Erfolge gemessen werden.