Growth strategies.
Organisational development.
The INSTITUTE OF BRAND LOGIC turns companies into leading brands. For over 25 years, we have dedicated ourselves to the challenge of leading companies into a successful future. Our speciality lies in the fusion of brand management with growth strategies and organisational development. That's why we are not just management consultants, we are corporate developers.
Leading companies into the future
Uniqueness in competition
Substantial growth
Profitable growth comes from the core, we are convinced of that. Arbitrary growth initiatives usually burn money and resources. Studies show that growth does not necessarily lead to value creation. Every company, every brand is challenged to find its own growth path. Based on the core business, we support companies in developing and implementing this strategic contour for profitable growth in the future.
Implementation is the key
Shaping transformation
Making companies fit for the future means change, sometimes also transformation. Designing and leading change processes in a tailor-made way is our speciality. We actively involve managers and employees in every phase so that commitment and energy for change are created.
Team of business developers
The team of the INSTITUTE OF BRAND LOGIC unites brand and management consultants, executives from corporate practice and scientists. They combine technical expertise, practical experience, interdisciplinary industry knowledge with strategic lateral thinking and competence in implementation - so that our client's entrepreneurial visions result in economic success.
Powerfully effective
97 % of our clients at the INSTITUTE OF BRAND LOGIC report that our work produces a noticeable long-term effect, which is visible both in figures and also in the corporate culture.

"At Brand Logic, I like the fundamentally honest and substantially considered approach to problems - without a big 'consultant show' and thoroughly tenacious."

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